How To Inspire A Wild Mind

The National Geographic Society, one of world largest nonprofit scientific and educational institutions, has been taken over by right wing media tycoon and owner of Fox News, Rupert Murdock. As a child I pawed through the magazine and imagined myself in mysterious far...

It’s Time To Celebrate Our Oaks!

I have a gratitude practice in my life. Every morning I wake up and while I am still in bed I bring to mind all that I am grateful for including my teachers, loved ones, my lovely cabin, good air, beauty, wonderful food and the fact that all my organs work.  There is...

Deep Ecology Of The Milky Way

As an ethnobotanist I expected that my inaugural blog would wax poetic on the ethnobotanical and medicinal qualities of a mythically fascinating plant however,  I find myself musing on the deep ecology of the Milky Way. Twelve weeks ago, within hours of bringing home...