The Most Radical Act – Love

  I spent a lot of my youth in active defense of Mother Earth.  This photo shows my arrest after I locked my neck to the Washington State Federal Building to protest the Fed’s disastrous logging policy targeting the last remaining ancient forests in the state. It...

The Second Best Day Of Her Life

Our Wisdom of the Oak program touches hundreds of elementary school students every year. I wanted to share this note from a girl who said that our program was the second best day of her life (her best day was the day she was born).

Flower Seduction

Let me dispel the misconception that botanists are geeks – the reality is we are in it for the sex! I can’t walk down the street without being blown over by the sexual exploits of the plant world this time of year. Just like some humans, when plants get ready to...

Wild Love

I woke up on Valentine’s Day morning with a river of love and happiness streaming through me. It’s not a mere romance that has filled me up today. Rather, I had the unbridled pleasure of spending a perfect spring Saturday in the company of eleven remarkably authentic...

Nursing The Wild – Who Is Your Family?

Imagine belonging so deeply to the wild that you would breastfeed a motherless squirrel. The endangered Amazonian Awa people love wild animals so much that the women breastfeed and treat them as part of the family. In return, the animals help them with everyday tasks...

Bay Laurel Kahlua, Truffles, And Other Gifts From The California Bay Tree

The California bay laurel tree (Umbellularia californica)  is one of  the San Francisco Bay Area’s most  iconic trees.  This tree is closely related to avocado, cinnamon and the European bay  laurel, whose leaves we often throw into tomato sauces and soups.  You can...